Simplify Your Slides

McKinley Toastmasters – Nov 2020

I’ve been part of Toastmasters for several years, as a way to improve my public speaking.

I gave this speech to my local Toastmasters group, over Zoom. I wanted to give the other club members my favorite tips for using PowerPoint and Google Slides.

Recoil.js and State Management Libraries

Granular – Sept 2020

Recoil.js and State Management Libraries

I presented this talk at my workplace, to recommend Recoil.js to the other product development teams.

Today in 2022 Granular uses Recoil as one of our main state management libraries! I’m glad we moved away from Redux, and I think me giving this talk helped get other teams on board.

I haven’t posted the slide deck here yet, as I need to confirm that’s OK with my workplace first.

Static Site Generators and Eleventy

Champaign Urbana JavaScript Meetup – May 2020

In this talk, I gave an introduction to static site generators, and then live-coded an example website!

  • We made a website showcasing my band.
  • We used Facebook’s API to generate pages based on the current events from my band’s Facebook page.
See the code on Github

Introduction to TypeScript

Champaign Urbana JavaScript Meetup — Sept 2019

TypeScript makes me a happy programmer. I gave a talk at a JavaScript meetup to share that happiness with my local tech community.

This talk has three parts:

  1. What is TypeScript?
  2. Learn TypeScript in 5 minutes
  3. Why I recommend TypeScript

Reusable Component Libraries

University of Illinois Web Conference — April 2019

Reusable component libraries help developers build consistent UIs.

This talk is about the many different reusable component libraries that exist, and where they fit in the spectrum of CSS libraries such as Bootstrap, and design systems such as Material.

Watch video